Manufacturability indicator

Manufacturability is a combination of the following elements:

A weighted combination of these elements result in the overall Manufacturability rating.

The greater the indicator bar, the more suitable the design.

When an Alert icon is incorporated in the Manufacturability indicator, it means that there are areas within the design that are adversely impacting on this result.

Manufacturability indicator

To view how the elements that contribute to manufacturability affect the results, click either Alerts or Information from the Home tab > Plastic Material Impact panel. A tabbed dialog appears.

Alert tab
Issues highlighted by the Alert icon in the indicator are specified. Click on a listed element for further information.
Information tab
The elements that constitute the Manufacturability indicator are listed. The result for each element is graded according to the parameters that are set in the Autodesk Simulation DFM Rule Configuration dialog. Click on an element and the part will be updated to show the location, and in some cases, the magnitude of the problem.