Configure rules

Individual rules used to calculate an indicator value can be adjusted to reflect your requirements.

You can choose to include or exclude existing elements from an indicator. Select an indicator from the left-hand panel and ensure the required element rules in the right-hand panel are selected for inclusion in the overall calculations for that indicator. For example, select Manufacturability in the left-hand panel and ensure the check-box relating to Filling is selected. This will ensure that an unfilled section of the part will trigger an alert.

Individual element parameters can also be modified. In the left-hand panel, expand the relevant indicator and select the element to be modified. The right-hand panel now outlines how that element contributes to the overall indicator value.

For example, Carbon footprint values might need to be adjusted to conform with company guidelines.
  1. Click Home tab > Configure Rules.
  2. Expand the Plastic Material Impact indicator in the left-hand File panel.
  3. Select Carbon footprint from this list.

    The values used and their impact on the Carbon footprint element is shown in the right-hand panel.

  4. Specify the required values.
  5. Click OK to apply the amended values.

Some elements also allow the insertion or deletion of rows in the table for even finer control of the element value.

  • Modifications to the configuration will apply to all parts.
  • Not all parameters can be configured.
  • Because an indicator result is a combination of several parameters, the effect of altering a parameter may not be obvious.
  • Realistic parameter values need to be applied.