Results Connect

Results Connect is an application that allows designers and engineers using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis to seamlessly access data and results with Microsoft Office Excel.

By default, Results Connect is automatically installed with Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis.

If you don't want to install Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, clear the check box in the Install > Configure Installation page of the installer.

This tool allows, with simple formulas available in Microsoft® Excel®, to obtain information about a structure model defined in your project.

With Results Connect, you can seamlessly access information on your model such as:
  • values of forces for all bars,
  • values ​​of nodal displacements,
  • information concerning section properties.

You can also use formulas and Microsoft Excel tools to create a data table for structural elements from the project, and display these data as line graphs, histograms, and charts.

Before using Results Connect, check that your installation meets all the requirements for the tools that you want to use.

For more information on Results Connect, see Access Data and Results with Excel.