Get Project Models into A360 Collaboration for Revit

Use the A360 Collaboration for Revit service to concurrently author Revit model(s) in A360 with other project team members.

If you are connected to the Internet, you can collaborate on a model stored within a project on A360. When you initiate A360 Collaboration from Revit, worksharing is automatically enabled, the Revit model is uploaded to the project, and a locally-cached version is created on your computer.

If you use A360 Collaboration for Revit to collaborate on a Revit model that was previously workshared, the same process described above is followed, except that worksets are already enabled.

If you are not connected to the Internet, you can collaborate on a model within your local area network using server-based worksharing.

Video: Initiating Collaboration for Revit

Important: If you initiated collaboration on a model that includes Revit links, you also need to migrate the linked models to A360. See Migrate Linked Models.