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Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
Autodesk Support
Aug 15, 2017
Managing Flame Background Services
This Infobytes will show how to manage Flame background services from GUI (Graphical User Interface) and Terminal. GUI is always easier but Terminal is usually helpful if you need to manage it remotely through SSH. Managing background services is a basic and simple task to start with when troubleshooting or when performing system maintenance.
Components of Background services are:
Backburner Manager
Backburner Server
Wiretap Gateway
Wiretap Server
Multi-Purpose daemon
*Note: The same services are being use by Smoke and Flame Family products such as Flame Assist and Flare.
Common issues may be solved by just restarting one of these services. Issues like:
ERROR: VOLUMEMGT: Error initialising volume . Not mounted
- manage by Stone+Wire services, please see this section below on how to manage it.
DLMPD: Warning, Multi-Purpose daemon not responding, please exit Flame and restart.
- manage by Multi-purpose service, please see this section below on how to manage it.
Cannot connect to backburner manager 'server' on port 0
- manage by Backburner Manager, please see this section below on how to manage it.
*Please take note that the issues above may be solved by just restarting its services but may also require more troubleshooting depending on the extent of the issue.
On Linux or CentOS
To manage from GUI (Launch the Service Monitor from Terminal)
1. Open the Terminal (login as root or as a user)
Application menu > System > Terminal
2. Type ServiceMonitor (case sensitive) from Terminal then "enter":
3. Service Monitor will open. You may start, stop or restart the services if needed.
To manage from the Terminal:
1. Open the Terminal and login as root. (You may also SSH from a remote computer)
To login as root run:
su -
password: <provide the root password>
2. Run the command that corresponds to the services you would like to manage:
Backburner Manager:
/etc/init.d/backburner_manager <start|stop|restart>
For example, to restart backburner manager run:
/etc/init.d/backburner_manager restart
Backburner Server:
/etc/init.d/backburner_server <start|stop|restart>
For both Backburner Manager and Server:
/etc/init.d/backburner <start|stop|restart>
Wiretap Gateway:
/etc/init.d/wiretapgateway <start|stop|restart>
Multi-Purpose daemon:
/etc/init.d/dl_mpd <start|stop|restart>
Stone+Wire and Wiretap Server:
/etc/init.d/stonewire <start|stop|restart>
On macOS
To manage from GUI:
1. Launch Service Monitor from Applications > Autodesk > Flame Product > Utilities > Service Monitor
To manage from the Terminal:
*This is useful if you do not have access to the GUI or you are in a remote computer.
1. Open the terminal from Application > Utilities
*note: you may also SSH from a remote computer as root or sudoer
2. Type the following command to go to the folder where the service "daemons" are:
cd /Applications/Autodesk/Flame<version>/Utilities/ServiceMonitor.app/Contents/Resources
3. Type the following command to control the daemon:
sudo ./metadaemon <name> <operation>
Where <name> can be one of the following:
bb_manager (for Backburner Manager)
bb_server (for Backburner Server)
wiretapgateway (for Wiretap Gateway)
wiretapserver (for Wiretap Server)
dlmpd (for Multi-Purpose daemon)
stonewire (for Stone+Wire)
and operation can be one of the following:
For example:
to stop Backburner Manager, run the command:
sudo ./metadaemon bb_manager stop
to restart the Stone+Wire service, run the command:
sudo ./metadaemon stonewire restart
Enter your password when asked.
A message will prompt that verifies the operation:
<MESSAGE>Restarted successfully</MESSAGE>
For Stone+Wire service, you may also use the command ./sw_stop to stop or ./sw_start to start from /opt/Autodesk/sw. These commands will also start or stop both Stone+Wire and WiretapServer.
For example:
/opt/Autodesk/sw/sw_stop all
/opt/Autodesk/sw/sw_start all
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