To Create a Combined 32- and 64-bit Deployment

How to deploy products in a hybrid environment.

If you are deploying products on a network that includes both 32- and 64-bit computers, consider creating a combined deployment that detects the computer type and delivers the matching deployment.

Important: Before starting this procedure, ensure that all products in the deployment support 32-bit operating systems.
  1. Create separate 32- and 64-bit deployments from the product installers and store them in the same deployment folder. Include either '32' or '64' in the deployment name to clearly designate the type.
  2. In the deployment Tools folder, double-click the CombineDeploy.exe tool.
  3. In the tool panel, browse to the 32- and 64-bit deployments, and then enter a descriptive name for the combined deployment.

    The combined deployment is saved in the same folder as the 32- and 64-bit deployments.