Error: "Fatal error T2021: Invalid Property Data in Field" in Nastran

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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Analysis fails with error message "Fatal error T2021: Invalid Property Data in Field"

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The Nastran solver is encountering an unexpected value defined.  The message is generic and does not point to anything specific; but the cause is because of incorrect data defined in the simulation.


To find out where the issue is, it might be best to search the Nastran deck file using the information nearby the bad field to identify the problem.
For In-CAD, the deck file can be found in a sub folder where the part/assembly CAD file is located.
filepath to cad file\cad file name\InCAD\FEA\
It will have a random generated name with the extension *.nas

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The referenced field has 0.0 in it.  Not a unique enough value to search with as it could be too common.  However the value next to it isn't (1.000000006247-1):
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**Note - The *X and 1GV4 are not in the model, they are used by Nastran to identify the next line of multi-lined command and do not visually appear in the deck file

Searching that value in the deck file finds several PBARL elements.  Find one that has the 0.0 in the field before or search for the whole string 0.01.000000006247-1
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Based on the description above the elements (Nastran In-CAD or other 3rd party preprocessors), the issue is with Connector 5.  The example model was created in Nastran In-CAD and the issue can be seen in the dialog box for Connector 5:

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The Bolt Diameter has a negative value entered.


Nastran; Inventor Nastran;



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