"An unknown error occurred while accessing [path]\[file name].rvt." while opening, saving, or synchronizing a model in Revit

Autodesk Support

Mar 10, 2025

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Users reported that while opening or saving/synchronizing a Revit model, the following message appears:


An unknown error occurred while accessing <path>\<file name>.rvt.

An unknown error occurred while accessing <path>\<file name>.rvt



One of the following:

  • Network permission issues.

  • Corrupted Windows user profile.

  • The file path is too long.

  • The path being used to access the central model is different.
  • The file is corrupted.

  • Windows Sync Center has been turned off.

  • A VPN is in use for worksharing in Revit.


To solve this issue, check the following items:

Check users' permission to access the file

  • Make sure that the users have permission to access the central file.

  • Have a user with the issue test if they can create/save/sync a file saved in the same location as the problematic file.

Check if the issue is specific to a Windows user account

  • If the issue does not occur on a different Windows user account, it is possible that the profile is misconfigured or corrupted. Try recreating the account.

The default path for user files is set to a local disk

  • Make sure that the default path is set correctly from the File tab > Options > File Locations tab in Revit.

Check Path

Verify that all members of the project are mapped to the central file in the same manner:

Method 1:

Run the 'net use' command at the Command prompt on two systems to compare the paths: Execute the net use command alone to show detailed information about currently mapped drives and devices.

Method 2:

1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Click This PC
3. On the Computer Ribbon, click Map a Network Drive
4. In the Drive list, select a drive letter (any available letter will do)
5. In the Folder box, type the path of the folder or computer, or select Browse to find the folder or computer. To connect every time on sign in to your PC, select the "Reconnect at sign in" checkbox
6. Select Finish
7. Once the connection has been re-established, all members must remake their local files.


  • If unable to connect to a network drive/folder, it could be due to the computer being turned off or not having the correct permissions. Contact the network administrator for assistance.
  • If project members are not mapped in the same manner, check with your IT / Network support, for options on how to change server access.

Save the file as a local

  • Copy the file to a local drive and check if the file can be opened.

Make sure that the file path size is not longer than 260 characters

  • Reduce the file name to fewer than 260 characters and do not include any special characters such as spaces and slashes.

Turn Windows Sync On

  • Browse to the Windows Settings and turn the Windows Sync On from Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Sync Center.

Check for file corruption


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