Use the Inventor Reset Utility to reset local settings to default values

Autodesk Support

Dec 5, 2024

Products and versions covered


When running Inventor, one or more of these symptoms might be visible:

  • Dialog boxes do not appear after launching a command.
  • Import/Export commands do not function.
  • Inventor works fine for one user but not for another user of the same computer.
  • Unable to export an AutoCAD™ DWG file.
  • Unable to start Addin programs.
  • Add-in commands are disabled (dimmed) in the ribbon.
  • Inventor crashes when you enter an addin in a workspace.



The local Inventor settings may be corrupted. Resetting to the original default values may solve the issue.


Use the Inventor Reset Utility to restore the settings to the original default values. First, back up the customized settings and options to restore them after the reset is completed.

Back up customized settings:

  1. Temporarily disable the antivirus software.
  2. Back up all customized ribbon, keyboard, and marking menu settings. Export an XML file from the "Customize" dialog box ("Tools" ribbon > "Customize").

Inventor Customize Dialog


  1. Back up the "Application Options" by exporting an XML file from the "Application Options" dialog box ("Tools" ribbon > "Application Options").

Inventor Application Options

Note: Be sure to save the backup XML files to the Desktop. The reset deletes any files in the default Inventor folder location.

  1. Go to 
  1. Find the "Inventor [version]"  folder.
  2. Right-click on the folder and rename it.

Run the Inventor Reset Utility

The Inventor Reset Utility is available with Inventor 2016 and later. The tool can be found under Autodesk Inventor in Windows Start.

Inventor Reset Utility

Note: If an Inventor version before 2016 is used, the attachment at the bottom of this article can be downloaded and extracted. Double-click the executable file to run the Inventor Reset Utility.

The Inventor Reset Utility detects and displays the versions of Inventor installed on the machine. By default, the utility selects the version initiated most recently, but another version can be chosen to be reset.

Autodesk Inventor Reset


Use the backup XML files to restore your customized settings

  1. Click "Import" on the Customize dialog box ("Tools" ribbon > "Customize") to restore the original ribbon, keyboard, and marking menu values from the backup XML customization file exported earlier.
  2. Click Import on the Application Options dialog box (Tools ribbon > Application Options) to restore the original application option preferences from the backup XML option file exported earlier.
  3. Restore FavoriteMaterials.adsklib
    1. Go to %AppData%\Autodesk\ and open the Inventor folder.
    2. Search for "FavoriteMaterials.adsklib" and copy this file.
    3. Paste this file to a newly created Inventor folder in "%AppData%\Autodesk\".
Note: The newly created folder "%AppData%\Autodesk\Inventro [version]" might be created after the first start of the Inventor after the Reset Utility process.



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