How to adjust viewport/UI settings in Mudbox for high DPI/4K monitors

Autodesk Support

Sep 12, 2019

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How to adjust viewport/UI settings in Mudbox 2019 for high DPI/4K monitors.


The Mudbox 2019 UI includes a new UI scaling setting in the Startup window and in the Preferences. Users can scale the UI to 100%, 125%, 150%, 175% or 200%; the default upon startup for most 4K monitors is 150%. These settings are independent of the native operating system's UI scaling settings, and the Mudbox 2019 UI should be crisp and legible on large-format, high-DPI monitors.

Note: As of 2019.1, this process is done automatically

However, these new settings may affect overall viewport performance on some systems, and the Viewcube feature will be absent.

If these new settings don't produce the desired results, change the Mudbox 2019 UI scaling to behave as it did in Mudbox 2018.2. To do this:
  1. Set Mudbox 2019 UI scaling (in the Welcome /Setup window on first launch, or in the Mudbox Preferences) to 100%. This effectively turns the new UI scaling feature off.
  2. Close Mudbox.
  3. Now, do one of the following to restart Mudbox:
    1. From the Windows Start/Run menu, type CMD to open a Command Prompt. From there, start Mudbox with the -upscale flag by typing Mudbox.exe -upscale
    2. Alternatively, right-click on the Mudbox 2019 desktop shortcut to bring up the Properties menu, then add the -upscale flag, as shown below:
Mudbox 2019 Upscale Flag

Note: using this method may result in the Mudbox 2019 being "fuzzier" on certain monitors, since the text and icons are being upscaled in the Qt-based viewports, instead of being displayed in a higher resolution, at their native pixel sizes.





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