How to Find Graphics Card Information on Windows

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


Unable to locate graphics card information on a Windows PC.




Follow these steps to run a DxDiag Report of your Windows PC:
  1. Click on the Start icon
  2. Type "Run" (without quotation marks) and press enter
  3. A Run Window will open. In that window, type "dxdiag" (without the quotation marks), and click OK.
    • There may be a slight delay while the report is generated
  4. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will open.
  5. Click the Display tab.
On the left will be information about the card, and on the right will be information about the driver. See image below.
User-added image

Use this information to determine whether or not your drivers are up to date by searching for the card name online, or by looking up the available drivers from the appropriate Download pages.


3ds Max;



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